Ordering instructions

Find the Items You Want:
First you will need to browse or search for the items you would like to order.
Keyword search box is located on the top of page. Enter keyword search term, or product number for example and click go or hit enter.

Add the Items to Your Shopping Cart:
If you want to order an item, click the 'Add this to my Cart' button on the item's product detail page.
If you want order more than one item, enter quantity to the field. Some products are packed for larger qty,
then 'add to my cart: 1' is 1x pack of 10, for example and so on.
Once you've added an item to your Shopping Cart, keep searching or browsing until your cart contains
all of the items you want to order.
You can access and edit the contents of your Shopping Cart at any time by clicking the 'shopping cart'.
To save your shopping cart content, please create account or login.

Proceed to Checkout:
When you're ready to place an order for everything in the Shopping Cart, click the 'Checkout'.

Sign In
Returning customer: Enter your e-mail address and password.
New customer: Create a login profile.
Enter your name and address (note: this is the shipping address),
enter your e-mail address, and choose a password for your account so that when you come back in the future,
you can use the same shipping address you provided during this first order.
Please use valid email address, you will receive your order information to this email address.
You are also able checkout without registering, but we recommend to create account.

No email from us? Advertising e-mails such as hotmail or gmail, etc. often delete or move messages to spam.
All order information and order history are always available on this site (Log in -> My account).

Review your shopping cart and proceed to checkout.

Checkout step 1 Shipping Information:
Select shipping method here, usually only by mail is available.

Checkout  step 2 - Payment Information:
Select payment by credit or debit cards (Paytrail payment service).
PayPal payment.
Pay by IBAN (EU) Direct Bank Transfer into our account. Payment instructions you will receive with an order confirmation by e-mail..

Checkout  step 3 - Order Confirmation:
Review your order details before pay.
Make (Paytrail or PayPal) payment using their secure payment forms.
It is important to return our store Thank you -page after the payment is done. May require click the returning -link.
Direct Bank Transfer: Submit Your Order.

If you see our Thank you -page, your order is done!

As soon we have packed your order, you will receive <delivered> email.
Please see Posti Mail delivery times (Priority) to your country after we sent your order.
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